
Low Level Excitement

A great thing about bridge is that even the lowliest part-score hand can yield a fun play problem. Playing at the local club pair game, I am the dealer with both sides vulnerable:

SAK / H86 / DJ10543 / CA874

I open 1D and after a pass by West partner bids 1H. East passes. Now I could bid 1NT, I suppose, but with this shape I prefer 2C. Partner gives preference to 2D and this is passed out.

One doesn't get to play 2D in a pair game very often. Probably just a ho-hum hand. West leads the S4.

S Q 10 7 6
H J 9 5 3
D Q 7
C K 10 9
S4 led
H 8 6
D J 10 5 4 3
C A 8 7 4

I have five tricks in the black suits, so if can score three trump tricks that makes eight. I'll need either a 3-3 trump split or for West to go up with a trump honor when I lead the first trump toward dummy. Not the greatest chance but I don't see anything better.

I play low from dummy on the first trick and win East's S9 with my Ace. When I lead a low trump to the Queen, East wins with the King and returns the S2, which I win perforce with the SK. Now I lead the DJ, won by East's Ace. East thinks for a while and then bangs down the Ace and King of hearts and follows with the H2.

Could East be underleading the HQ for a ruff? I doubt it. Probably West has the HQ. And in any event, I can't afford to ruff high; I need my D10 to draw trump. So I ruff low. West plays the H10.

Now I lead the D10 to draw a third round of trump. If both follow I'm home. Unfortunately, West discards the S8. Too bad -- that means East has the high trump.

We are down to:

S Q 10
D --
C K 10
S --
H --
D 5
C A 8 7 4


Now what? I've taken four tricks and I have two good clubs and the SQ coming, but my trump is not high -- East still has the D9.

But wait! I've read about this situation. If I find East with the right distribution I can score my last trump "en passant."

I cash the CAK and discard a club on the SQ. East follows to everything, good. Now here's the two-card ending:

S 10
D --
C --
S --
D --
H --
D 9
C --
S --
H --
D 5
C 8



None of my cards are high, and if the lead were in my hand I would lose both tricks. But when I call for the HJ from dummy, East is caught: if he ruffs, I discard my C8 and score the last trick with the D5. If he discards, I get this trick with the D5. In fact he discards, I win the D5, and he gets the last trick with the D9. Making two.

And then we get only 3.5 matchpoints out of 11! Too bad. I was the only declarer in diamonds. Several were in notrump, making one or two (sometimes declared by North; I can't see how that happened), and some E/W pairs bid and went down. Even one down is +100 for N/S, beating my +90 for making 2D.

Oh well. The play was fun even if it didn't lead to a good score.

The full hand:


S Q 10 7 6
H J 9 5 3
D Q 7
C K 10 9
S 8 5 4
H Q 10 7 4
D 8 2
C Q 6 5 3
S J 9 3 2
H A K 2
D A K 9 6
C J 2
H 8 6
D J 10 5 4 3
C A 8 7 4

[WBL Unit Game, B/C game, 9-15-2016]